Friday, June 01, 2007


memorial day 07!!

Hi All!
It's been too long since this lil family blog has been updated. It's about stinkin' time!!! I hope everyone had a nice Memorial weekend. Some of us spent it out at Lucy and Brian's in the country. It was a lot of fun, even though it rained a couple times on us. Thank goodness for barns!

Anyway, you can see my photos of the weekend at my flickr, here.

I also put up a post about all the fish and fresh veggies etc. on my food blog Ironstef. (ahem, which was featured on the blog a couple months back. ahem)

and here's the end of the cousins' rendition of the song "Bodyguard" by Paul Simon. It's mostly Ben freestylein' it with various percussion and whistles thrown in (I'm the whistler messin it all up...sorry)

Monday, January 29, 2007


The Youngert Report

I don't know how many of you watch Stephen Colbert, but in two recent shows, he has had pretty big segments focusing on places where some of us Youngs dwell. Hilarious.

Here he interviews a representative from Washington's 3rd district, and mentions Michael and Jackie's town Vancouver, WA, and their Sausagefest.

and here the "word" is "worry." What's there to worry about? Missouri becoming too much like the "Blue" states. Heartland Transplant!

Friday, December 29, 2006


jolly old st. picturaus

Hi everyone! Hope you all had great Christmases!! The 'Eve was a blast. You can see all my photos from that day/night HERE.

Happy New Year!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006


what a weekend

My pictures from The Washington Youngs' visit can be viewed here. It was great to meet Amie and see Ry-Ry, Jackers and Mikey again.

Speaking of Jackers, she requested the pumpkin chili recipe I made. Here's the recipe I based it off of. Of course it's chili, which is hard to mess up, so I took liberties. I added fresh jalepeno instead of canned chilis, black beans instead of kidney beans and waaaaaay more chili powder and cumin than the recipe suggested. And it still wasn't all that spicy! Recipes are such wimps :)


Thursday, October 19, 2006


haven't you heard?

YouTube and Flickr are the hippest!

Lucy and Amy were in LA rubbin elbows with stars and going to the Ellen Show Tuesday and Wednesday. I didn't see the show (it ran today, Thursday, Oct. 19), but I happened across this snippet from the show they were at. watch it here. I didn't spot either of them. But I'm sure they were both cracking up.

In other news, I have my photos from HarvestFest '06 here. Who else has pictures? Let's see 'em. HarvestFest was a good time. S'mores, guitars, pumpkin carving and family. Oh, and a little bit of beer. just a little...(oh my head!). This weekend is a big one for the Youngs, too! Welcome Mike, Jackie and newly wedded Ryan to town!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006


Schlattman's in Ireland

Hey fam,

The 5 Schlattman's just got back from their first trip to Ireland. I'm posting a lot of really cool pictures at

Just click on the photoset labeled IRELAND on the right and then click 'view as slideshow'

Check them out if you have the time. We will have plenty of stories for those who want to listen.

Friday, June 09, 2006


90 pages

REMINDER: for those of you who want to participate in the first Family Bookclub meeting, our book is Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote. And I believe the meeting date will be Sunday, June 25th at Creve Couer park, time TBD.

and don't pull a George Castanza on us...we'll figure it out :)

Episode no. 91 "The Couch" (Original air date 27 Oct 1994)

Transcribed by Brian Dickson on Nov. 27, 2002.
Originally posted on The News Guys(Mike's) site

Directed by Andy Ackerman. Written by Larry David.

Opening scene - Jerry and George in a furniture store. Jerry is shopping for a new couch.

JERRY: So, she got you to join a book club?

GEORGE: I got a feeling I'm gonna be much smarter than you pretty soon.

JERRY: Well, I think that statement alone reflects your burgeoning intelligence. Hey, what about this one?

GEORGE: Nah, I don't like that one.

JERRY: So, what's your first book?

GEORGE: "Breakfast At Tiffany's." 90 pages.

JERRY: It's kinda old, isn't it?

GEORGE: They wanted to read a Truman Capote book.

JERRY (standing): Oh, sure...Truman Capote.

GEORGE: He's a great writer.

JERRY: Oh, yeah.

GEORGE: Did you ever read anything by him?

JERRY: No. You?


JERRY (sees a white couch by the wall): Oh, what about this one? Look at this, this is it! This is what I'm looking for. Oh, yeah!


New scene - Jerry and George in a booth at the coffee shop.

JERRY: Well, you should have seen it. It was quite a scene over there.

GEORGE: I'm sorry I missed it.

JERRY: Oh, you really missed something. And I have to was pretty much all my fault. So, how's the book coming? I say, how's the book comin'?

GEORGE: Oh...pretty good.

JERRY: So, what's it about?

GEORGE: Well, it's about Holly Go-Lightly.

JERRY: Holly Go-Lightly.

GEORGE: Yeah, she's quite a character.

JERRY: Yes, you haven't read a page, have you?


JERRY: Big surprise.

GEORGE: I couldn't. You know, if it's not about sports, I find it very hard to concentrate.

JERRY: You're not very bright, are you?

GEORGE: No, I'm not. I would like to be, but I'm not. What am I gonna do? The book club meets in a few days.

JERRY: Why don't you rent the movie?

GEORGE: 'Why don't I rent the movie.' See, this is when I like you. Alright, now I'm relieved.


New scene - George sitting in with the book club around a back booth at Monk's.

MARIE (describing Holly Go-Lightly in "Breakfast At Tiffany's"): She didn't want the constraints of any relationship, that's why she got rid of the cat. The most important thing in Holly's life was her independence.

GEORGE: Well, not really. After all, she did get together with George Peppard. I mean, Fred.

MARIE: George...Fred's gay.

End of episode.

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